• Indonesia

Key documents required for timber legality and trade of Indonesia

The below listed key documents are based on the applicable legislation and are considered to play a key role in demonstrating legal origin. Here you can also find a schematic overview of the required documents to demonstrate legality for different forest types: natural forest, plantations, private land and other land.


  Key document Explanation Legal authority
  Concession license for natural forests An entity that wants to produce timber must possess a concession license. For natural forest the permit is valid for 55 years maximum with a possible extension. Ministry of Forestry
  Concession license for plantations A plantation permit is granted for 100 years maximum without any exception for an extension. Ministry of Forestry
  Land Conversion Permit (Izin Pemanfaatan Kayu – IPK) A land clearing permit for any entity clearing the forest stand for non-forestry land use. Ministry of Forestry
  Laporan Hasil Cruising (LHC) / inventory report Prior to harvesting, the FME is required to carry out pre-harvest inventory and recorded all harvestable trees. The FME (Forest Management Enterprise)
  Production Report (Laporan Hasil Produksi / LHP) Production report on all logs harvested. The FME (Forest Management Enterprise)
  Grading Measurement Report (Buku Ukur) A final measurement of the logs dimension and its grading quality at log landing areas. The FME (Forest Management Enterprise)
  SKSHH (Surat Keterangan Sahnya Hasil Hutan) Legal transport document for any timber from state forest both natural forest and plantation. Ministry of Forestry
  DKB (Daftar Kayu Bulat) An attachment of the legal transport document that listed tree species, dimension, tree number, production report number and barcode label. Ministry of Forestry
  Nota Angkutan Delivery document of timber product from private land (community forest and/or indigenous forest). Ministry of Forestry

Processing & Trade

  Key document Explanation Legal authority
  SVLK certificate A certificate issued by independent third-party certification body once an entity passes the SVLK audit. Independent third-party certification body
  V-Legal certificate A document issued by independent third-party certification body for SVLK certificate holder that intends to export a wood product. Independent third-party certification body
  Sales invoice   Exporter
  Packing list A list of detail product. Exporter
  Bill of Lading (B/L)   Freight forwarding company
  Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB) / export declaration Declaration form of exported timber product. Customs
  FLEGT License The FLEGT licensing authorities’ issue FLEGT licenses for consignments of timber products, if the verification system has evidence of legal compliance. FLEGT licensing authorities